CWC Mar Vista Walk-A-Thon 2024

March 06, 2024

Event FAQs

How long is the event?
Who can I invite to support my student?
What should my child wear to the event?
Who should I contact if I have a problem or question about setting up my page?
What is the deadline for getting pledges?
How should my child go out and find sponsorship?
Can family members join the event on March 25th?
How can I volunteer to help with the Walk-A-Thon?

Technical FAQs

When I try to upload my photo, there is no option to select a browser. What do I do?
I don't remember my password from last year, and I tried to use the password sent to me. What do I do?
I have requested to reset my password, but the Forgot Password email has not come. What gives?
When I upload my photo, it appears sideways. Why is this happening and how do I fix it?
What is my personal page URL?
Who should I contact if I have a problem or question about setting up my page?
I have two children, but I can only find one of them on my account.

Donation FAQs

How can I cover the processing fees?
Is there a fee for just using the site?
Can I make a donation to a team?
Where should I mail donation checks?
Who should I make my check out to?
How do I find a participant's personal fundraising webpage?
How quickly can I expect an online donation to post to a participant's fundraising account?
How can I cover the processing fees?
Are donations tax-deductible?
For Canadian donations made online with a credit card, will the amount entered be in U.S. dollars?
Do all donors who mail their donations receive a receipt?
Do all donors who contribute online receive a receipt?
What is CWC's Tax ID number?
How do I add a dedication when I make a donation?
Do I have to get all my donations in by March 29th?
Why am I receiving emails telling me that I've received a donation?
What can I do if a check is written out to me personally?
Can I mail in a cash donation?
Can I enter a check online?
Not all of my donors are showing up in the Honor Roll. Why?
Where can I find a list of the people who have donated to me?
How can I send a thank you email to my donors?

Incentives, Rules, and Rewards FAQ's

What are the incentives that will additionally motivate my kids?
What are the goals set out for each class and each individual student?
What classroom or "team" incentives are the students working for and how do they achieve them?
Will there be a Walk-A-Thon t-shirt this year?
What individual incentives are the kids working towards?
What should I set as a goal for our family?
What does and does not constitute a "unique" donation?
What about donating to other kids in the school?
How can I track my class’s progress?
What is the weekly deadline for getting sponsors so that my child’s class has a chance to get a shout out?
Who do I contact for help?