How much money should I donate?
The answer is unique to every family! Think of it as the amount should sting a little, but not hurt you immensely financially. If you’re looking for a concrete number, consider donating one month preschool tuition. We have some families donate $25 and some donate $10,000. The gap between what we receive from the government and the amount we need to provide our program is $2,500. If it is available to your family, please consider making a donation that meets that amount throughout the year.
Why is participating in the Annual Family Give important?
We are a diverse community, and we recognize that everyone's financial situation is different. Achieving 100% participation from our families, no matter the amount donated, unlocks additional funding for us because it means we can qualify for grants and other programs from those looking to support a school with a committed community behind it.
Your participation inspires corporations and foundations to invest additional funding in our school and our students because it shows that our community is invested.
I made a mistake! What should I do?
Email We are here to help!
Where does my donation go?
Your donation keeps our programs running. We use our fundraising dollars to pay for our enrichment teachers, their supplies, Student Support Associates, DEIB curriculum, SEL curriculum, and Professional Development.
When should I submit my donation?
Please make your donation by the close of our AFG, October 31st, 2024. However, we will accept donations until June 30th, 2025.
How do I know if my employer matches donations?
When entering your donation, input your company name at the bottom of the donation form where it says “Check to see if your employer offers a matching gift program!” If your company pops up, select it and you will receive company specific instructions via email to set up the match. If when you are typing in your company name, it doesn’t pop up, enter the full name and our team will help you determine if matching is available.
Our Regional Development Team can help you get this process set up and field any questions you have. You can also see if your company will match all of the donations received through a certain campaign – the possibilities are endless!
Email for corporate match support.
How do I give via cash/check?
Donations given via cash/check can be dropped off with this form in the main office. Please see your School Operations Manager.
Yes! A large percentage of our caregivers/parents donate monthly. Simply divide how much you were planning to donate total by 10 and select that amount.
When do recurring donations end?
Recurring donations run until you let us know you want to end them! Some families choose to set their donation in Kinder and not end them until 5th grade! You may also email to end or modify your recurring donation.
How do I cancel my recurring donation?
You may cancel your recurring donation by signing into your account and self-selecting end. Go to your profile by clicking on the circle in the upper right corner, click on Payments, click on Recurring Plans, select your recurring donation and you can then pause or end it.
You also may email to end your recurring donation.
I’d like to join the Fundraising team. Who should I contact?
Thank you so much for your interest in helping out the fundraising team! Please reach out to for more information.
What is our overall fundraising goal?
The goal for the Annual Family Give campaign is $200,000
Annual Family Give is the first of three major campaigns to raise the funds needed to ensure our students can enjoy the full CWC model.
What other fundraisers does CWC do throughout the year?
To fund the entire CWC program, we ask each family to participate in community giving events throughout the year to ensure that we can meet our budget goals. Many schools ask for money in small increments multiple times during the school year. We make every effort to streamline our fundraising activities and to make them meaningful, community-building experiences. On occasion, in addition to our fundraising campaigns, classroom teachers may ask parents to contribute donated materials needed for their classroom.
In addition to the Annual Family Give, we host a Play-A-Thon where students ask friends and family to support their education at CWC. Our Play-A-Thon is a fun student-centered fundraiser in which all of our students walk, run, or move in their own way with the support of the entire community.
This is a peer-to-peer fundraiser where each student has their own fundraising page and can invite friends and family to donate to their individual fundraising page to support their CWC school. The campaign culminates in a lively in-school event where students move their bodies outside to music and cheering from family and staff – it’s a great community event!
Our community comes together in the spring at a festival-type event that is fun for the whole family! In tandem with this celebration, we host a silent auction where we ask for support from local businesses to donate amazing items and experiences to help raise money for the school.
Where can I learn more about fundraising at CWC?
Check out this
Our fundraising team is always happy to answer any of your questions! Email anytime.
I’m a business owner. Please tell me more about your banner/sponsorship program
As a small business, supporting CWC is a great way to introduce yourself to our community. Sponsorship opportunities are available for specific events and there are also opportunities to show your support by sponsoring a banner that is prominently displayed at the school. Reach out to for more information.